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Reconciling john milbank and religious freedom: liberalism through love

No. Panggil : eja-21-0652
Nama Orang : Deagon, Alex
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified] : Cambridge - Crime, 2019
AbstrakJohn Milbank s critique of the secular as a violent distortion of Christian theology is well established. Less clear is how Milbank s framework might bear upon secular liberalism as it specifically relates to liberal ideas of religious freedom and public or secular reasons in political contexts. This is especially worthy of investigation since religious freedom is part of the liberal framework Milbank so stridently critiques. This article attempts to recon cile Milbank s theological critique of secular liberalism with the idea of religious freedom by applying Milbank s theology and the law of love to liberal notions of public discourse for the purpose of redeeming and transforming that discourse. This redeemed liberalism pro vides a framework for persuasion to the Good by recognizing that all public positions (including secularism) are ultimately faith positions, and advocates a discourse governed by the law of love to produce genuine religious freedom that paradoxically transcends and fulfils the liberal ideals that secular liberalism proclaims but can never attain.
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Kata KunciJohn Milbank, religious freedom, liberal secularism, law of love, public reason
Tahun Terbit2019
No. Indukeja-21-0652
Entri Sumber DataCambridge - Crime
Entri Utama Nama orangDeagon, Alex
Volume, Nomor, Tahun dan Hlm.vol. 34, no. 2, p. 183-209
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Judul UtamaReconciling john milbank and religious freedom: liberalism through love
Kode Bahasaeng
Sumber KoleksiPerpustakaan Nasional
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