eJournal Articles :: Kembali ::

Engagements and entanglements: the contemporary waqf and the fragility of shi i quietism

No. Panggil : eja-21-0626
Nama Orang : Hamoudi, Haider Ala
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified] : Cambridge - Crime, 2010
AbstrakTwo primary impulses have historically motivated the Iraqi Shi i juristic establishment in its relations with the Iraqi state. The first, deeply embedded in centuries of Islamic jurispru dence, is to achieve maximum autonomy for the Shi i community from the state. The second has developed more recently in response to the modern state s efforts to extend its hege monic control over areas that premodern empires were content either to leave to the jurists to administer or at least to share the administration of with jurists. This is to have the state recognize and implement Shi i rules within parts of the state infrastructure that are of core interest to the juristic establishment. There is an obvious tension between these two desires, nowhere more evident than in the subject of this article namely, the law pertaining to the creation, management, and liquidation of the Islamic charitable land trust known as the waqf. On the one hand, Article 43 of Iraq s constitution declares the followers of religions and sects to be free in administering the waqfs and their affairs, suggesting a strong desire for autonomy and separation from state control. Yet the implementing legislation for this provision extends the existence of a thick state bureaucracy and hands its administration over to juristic authorities. The ultimate irony of this arrangement is that it subjects juristic forces to far more potential interference as a legal matter than they have ever been subjected to, even during the totalitarian rule of the Ba ath. In the end, a religious establishment his torically deeply suspicious of political rulers and political engagement indeed, one that denes itself by virtue of its separation from the state now ends itself deeply and danger ously entangled in state political and administrative affairs. This article explores how this came to be and some of the signicant consequences that arise from it.
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Tahun Terbit2010
No. Indukeja-21-0626
Entri Sumber DataCambridge - Crime
Entri Utama Nama orangHamoudi, Haider Ala
Volume, Nomor, Tahun dan Hlm.vol. 35, no. 2, p. 215-249
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Judul UtamaEngagements and entanglements: the contemporary waqf and the fragility of shi i quietism
Kode Bahasaeng
Sumber KoleksiPerpustakaan Nasional
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