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Taking measures without taking measurements? An insider s reflections on monitoring the implementation of the African Children s Charter in a changing context of armed conflict

No. Panggil : eja-21-0612
Nama Orang : Mezmur, Benyam Dawit
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified] : Cambridge - Crime, 2019
AbstrakThe efforts to create a world fit for children, including for those affected by armed conflict, remain a work in progress. Increasingly, regional organizations, prime among them the African Union and its organs, are being asked to play a more meaningful role in pushing for the realization of the rights and protections of children in armed conflict. This piece explores trends and developments in respect of children and armed conflict in Africa, and offers few ideas on how the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, which holds significant promise, can continue to rise to this challenge.
Entri Tambahan Nama Orang
001 Hak Akses (open/membership)membership
Kata Kuncichildren, armed conflict, African Children s Charter, African Committee, regional organizations.
Tahun Terbit2019
No. Indukeja-21-0612
Entri Sumber DataCambridge - Crime
Entri Utama Nama orangMezmur, Benyam Dawit
Volume, Nomor, Tahun dan Hlm.vol. 101, no. 911, p. 623-651
Entri Utama Nama Badan
Subjek Topik
Judul UtamaTaking measures without taking measurements? An insider s reflections on monitoring the implementation of the African Children s Charter in a changing context of armed conflict
Kode Bahasaeng
Sumber KoleksiPerpustakaan Nasional
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