eJournal Articles :: Kembali ::

Brazil s new president and ruralists threaten Amazonia s environment, traditional peoples and the global climate

No. Panggil : eja-21-0529
Nama Orang : Ferrante, Lucas Fearnside, Philip M
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified] : Cambridge - Crime, 2019
AbstrakJair Bolsonaro (Brazil s new president) and ruralists (large landholders and their representatives) have initiated a series of measures that threaten Amazonia s environment and traditional peoples, as well as global climate. These include weakening the country s environmental agencies and forest code, granting amnesty to deforestation, approving harmful agrochemicals, reducing protected areas, and denying the existence of anthropogenic climate change. Both the measures themselves and the expectation of impunity they encourage have spurred increased deforestation, which contributes to climate change and to land conflicts with traditional peoples. Countries and companies that import Brazilian beef, soy and minerals are stimulating these impacts.
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001 Hak Akses (open/membership)membership
Kata Kunci
Tahun Terbit2019
No. Indukeja-21-0529
Entri Sumber DataCambridge - Crime
Entri Utama Nama orangFerrante, Lucas; Fearnside, Philip M
Volume, Nomor, Tahun dan Hlm.vol. 46, no. 4, p. 261-263
Subjek Topik
Judul UtamaBrazil s new president and ruralists threaten Amazonia s environment, traditional peoples and the global climate
Kode Bahasaeng
Sumber KoleksiPerpustakaan Nasional
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eja-21-0529 eja-21-0529 TERSEDIA
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