eJournal Articles :: Kembali ::

Methods Of Ensuring National Security Of Central Asian Countries Under New Geopolitical Conditions

No. Panggil : eja-21-0466
Nama Orang : Ryazantsev, Sergey Akmalova, Munira Karimov, Mirzokosim Vazirov, Zafar
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified] : Ebsco - NAtional Security and Crime, 2018
AbstrakVital interests of the Shanghai Five are concentrated in the post-Soviet countries, including Central Asia. The arti cle substantiates the need to work out an SCO foreign policy strategy in regard to the post-Soviet space, which is based on na tional interests. A conclusion is made that national in terests and a specific strategy in regard to the post-Soviet space need to be recorded in the SCO doctrinal documents. National interests of the Central Asian countries are based on permanent, rather than immedi ate, applied or institutional goals. The article also examines certain prob lems and peculiarities of religious extrem ism, and religious terrorism as its extreme form. Special attention is heeded to the for mulation of characteristic features of a part nership as a special and independent format of international relations. In conclusion, the author points to the manifestation of global tendencies in regard to state sovereignty and security as the research aim.
Entri Tambahan Nama Orang
001 Hak Akses (open/membership)membership
Kata Kuncistate, security, Central Asia, drug trafficking, destabilization processes, national interests, struggle, independent states, energy resources, threat.
Tahun Terbit2018
No. Indukeja-21-0466
Entri Sumber DataEbsco - NAtional Security and Crime
Entri Utama Nama orangRyazantsev, Sergey; Akmalova, Munira; Karimov, Mirzokosim; Vazirov, Zafar
Volume, Nomor, Tahun dan Hlm.
Subjek Topik
Judul UtamaMethods Of Ensuring National Security Of Central Asian Countries Under New Geopolitical Conditions
Kode Bahasaeng
Sumber KoleksiPerpustakaan Nasional
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
eja-21-0466 eja-21-0466 TERSEDIA
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