eJournal Articles :: Kembali ::

Harnessing Data for National Security

No. Panggil : eja-21-0438
Nama Orang : Rubin, David Lynch, Kim Escaravage, Jason Lerner, Hillary
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified] : Ebsco - NAtional Security and Crime, 2014
AbstrakSince 9/11, the U.S. government has initiated efforts to enhance its information-sharing capabilities and doubled its investment in counterterrorism, spending nearly $80 billion. Sharing data and conducting analyses across the government s legacy stovepipes of infor mation is challenging but mandatory to reduce redundancy, increase cost efficiency, and improve national security mission performance. The challenges involved in harnessing big data analytics for a more enlightened approach to national security center on striking the optimal balance between complex opposing forces opportunity versus risk, collective security versus individual privacy, and innovation versus protection. While the government has made progress in identifying existing data sources and sharing high-level metadata, it is still in the early phases of the maturity curve in terms of enabling access across the federal ecosystem to leverage the valuable analytics that inform evidence-driven decision-making. This paper explores the strategies and frameworks to expedite effectively analyzing and using data to drive national security activities.
Entri Tambahan Nama Orang
001 Hak Akses (open/membership)membership
Kata Kunci
Tahun Terbit2014
No. Indukeja-21-0438
Entri Sumber DataEbsco - NAtional Security and Crime
Entri Utama Nama orangRubin, David; Lynch, Kim; Escaravage, Jason; Lerner, Hillary
Volume, Nomor, Tahun dan Hlm.vol. 34, no. 1, p. 121-128
Subjek Topik
Judul UtamaHarnessing Data for National Security
Kode Bahasaeng
Sumber KoleksiPerpustakaan Nasional
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eja-21-0438 eja-21-0438 TERSEDIA
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