eJournal Articles :: Kembali ::

Theorizing the time-dynamics of violence

No. Panggil : eja-21-0375
Nama Orang : Collins, Randall
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified] : Sage - Crime and Justice, 2020
Entri Tambahan Nama Orang
AbstrakViolence depends not only on long-standing background conditions but on time patterns that determine when and if it breaks out, how long it lasts and how severe it is. Advances in recording technology including video cameras and CCTV have made it possible to locate turning points and sequences on the micro level. Different scales of violence have different time-dynamics, ranging from micro to meso to macro. These include the following: micro-rhythms (fractions of seconds) of synchronization and dominance in setting rhythms in face-to-face interaction; violence-triggering thresholds (a few minutes or less) in small groups, where boredom makes violence abort; tension building danger time-zones (lasting a few hours) in organized crowds; revolutionary tipping points (a few days); duration of riots (a few days, but several weeks long if the riot moves from place to place or is intermittently scheduled); mass crisis and hysteria zone of national solidarity, rapidly reaching a plateau and lasting 3 to 6months before declining; and macro time-forks, where sudden victory is relatively low in casualties, but where a stalemate leads to years of dispersed conflict with high attrition costs.
001 Hak Akses (open/membership)membership
Kata Kunciatrocities, duration of riots, forward panic, national solidarity, revolutionary tipping points, violence-triggering thresholds
Tahun Terbit2020
No. Indukeja-21-0375
Entri Sumber DataSage - Crime and Justice
Entri Utama Nama orangCollins, Randall
Volume, Nomor, Tahun dan Hlm.vol. 1, no. 1, p. 166-184
Subjek Topik
Judul UtamaTheorizing the time-dynamics of violence
Kode Bahasaeng
Sumber KoleksiPerpustakaan Nasional
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