eBooks :: Kembali ::

Why forgive?

No. Panggil : eBIS-08070061
Nama Orang : Arnold, Johann Christoph
Subjek :
  1. Forgiveness--Religious aspects
Penerbitan : Farmington : Plough Pub. House, 2000
Bahasa : eng
ISBN : none
Edisi : none
Catatan Umum : none
Sumber Koleksi : http://gigapedia.org
Lembaga Pemilik : none
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
eBIS-08070061 eBIS-08070061 TERSEDIA
Catatan: Hanya file pdf yang dapat dibaca online
Tidak ada ulasan pada koleksi ini: 35707
Forgiveness is a door to peace and happiness. It is a small, narrow door, and cannot be entered without stooping. It is also hard to find. But no matter how long the search, it can be found. At least that is what the men and women in this book have discovered. By reading their stories, perhaps you, too, will be led to the door of forgiveness. Just remember that once there, only you can open it. What does forgiving really mean? Clearly it has little to do with human fairness, which demands an eye for an eye, or with excusing, which means brushing something aside. Life is never fair, and it is full of things that can never be excused. When we forgive someone for a mistake or a deliberate hurt, we still recognize it as such, but instead of lashing out or biting back, we attempt to see beyond it, so as to restore our relationship with the person responsible for it. Our forgiveness may not take away our pain- -? it may not even be acknowledged or accepted -? yet the act of offering it will keep us from being sucked into the downward spiral of resentment. It will also guard us against the temptation of taking out our anger or hurt on someone else.
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