Corporate governance rating of family firms at the Athens exchange market

No. Panggil: eBook-29242010
Pengarang : Spanos,Loukas J.
Penerbit : Publisher not identified
Tahun : Date of publication not identified

Corporate diplomacy: the strategy for a volatile, fragmented business environment

No. Panggil: eBook-34102010
Pengarang : Steger, Ulrich
Penerbit : Wiley
Tahun : 2003

Corporate governance and the global reach of Chinese family firms in Singapore

No. Panggil: eBook-29232010
Pengarang : Wai-chung Yeung, Henry
Penerbit : Publisher not identified
Tahun : 2000

A dictionary of diplomacy

No. Panggil: eBook-34092010
Pengarang : Berridge, Geoff
Penerbit : Palgrave
Tahun : 2001

Board of directors in family firms, A Generational perspective

No. Panggil: eBook-29222010
Pengarang : Bammens, Yannick
Penerbit : Department of Organization and Strategy, Maastricht University
Tahun : 2007

Digital photography bible

No. Panggil: eBook-34082010
Pengarang : Simon, Dan
Penerbit : Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Tahun : 2004

Becoming a digital library

No. Panggil: eBook-34072010
Pengarang : Tidak ada pengarang
Penerbit : Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Tahun : 2004

The Economics of Taxation

No. Panggil: eBook-48992010
Pengarang : SalanieĀ“, Bernard.
Penerbit : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tahun : 2002

Civil Life, Globalization, and Political Change in Asia: Organizing between family and state

No. Panggil: ebook-39452010
Pengarang : Tidak ada pengarang
Penerbit : Routledge
Tahun : 2005

Digital literacy : tools and methodologies for information society

No. Panggil: eBook-34062010
Pengarang : Rivoltella, Pier Cesare
Penerbit : IGI Publishing
Tahun : 2008