governance vs bad corporate governance, Pemenuhan kepentingan antara para pemegang saham mayoritas dan pemegang saham minotitas

No. Panggil: eBook-29312010
Pengarang : Herdinata, Christian
Penerbit : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Ciputra
Tahun : 2008

Failed diplomacy : the tragic story of how North Korea got the bomb

No. Panggil: eBook-34202010
Pengarang : Pritchard, Charles L.
Penerbit : The Brookings Institution
Tahun : 2007

Essence of diplomacy

No. Panggil: eBook-34192010
Pengarang : Jönsson, Christer
Penerbit : Palgrave Macmillan
Tahun : 2005

Family matters, Founding family firms and corporate political activity

No. Panggil: eBook-29302010
Pengarang : Hadani, Michael
Penerbit : CW Post Campus
Tahun : 2007

Cyber bullying : bullying in the digital age

No. Panggil: ebook-39582010
Pengarang : Kowalski, Robin M.; Limber, Susan P.; Agatston, Patricia W.
Penerbit : Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Tahun : 2008

Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating more effective global agreements

No. Panggil: eBook-34182010
Pengarang : Susskind, Lawrence E.
Penerbit : Oxford University Press
Tahun : 1994

Cyber-bullying: issues and solutions for the school, the classroom and the home

No. Panggil: ebook-39572010
Pengarang : Shariff, Shaheen
Penerbit : Routledge
Tahun : 2008

Family Firm Performance, Further Evidence

No. Panggil: eBook-29292010
Pengarang : Lee, Jim
Penerbit : Publisher not identified
Tahun : 2006

Double-edged sword : nuclear diplomacy in unequal conflicts : the United States and China, 1950–1958

No. Panggil: eBook-34172010
Pengarang : Soman, Appu Kuttan
Penerbit : Praeger Publishers
Tahun : 2000

Dealing with Bullying in Schools: A Training Manual for Teachers, Parents and Other Professionals

No. Panggil: ebook-39562010
Pengarang : O’Moore, Mona; Minton, Stephen James
Penerbit : Paul Chapman Publishing
Tahun : 2004