Going Live : starting and running a virtual reference service

No. Panggil: eBook-33372010
Pengarang : Coffman, Steve
Penerbit : American Library Association
Tahun : 2003

Digital library use : social practice in design and evaluation

No. Panggil: eBook-33362010
Pengarang : Tidak ada pengarang
Penerbit : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tahun : 2003

Demonstrating results : using outcome measurement in your library

No. Panggil: eBook-33352010
Pengarang : Rubin, Rhea Joyce
Penerbit : American Library Association
Tahun : 2006

Cultural programming for libraries : linking libraries, communities, and culture

No. Panggil: eBook-33342010
Pengarang : Robertson, Deborah A.
Penerbit : American Library Association
Tahun : 2005

Creating database-backed library Web pages : using open source tools

No. Panggil: eBook-33332010
Pengarang : Westman, Stephen R.
Penerbit : American Library Association
Tahun : 2006

Cataloging and classification for library technicians

No. Panggil: eBook-33322010
Pengarang : Kao, Mary Liu
Penerbit : The Haworth Press
Tahun : 2001

Building a global information assurance program

No. Panggil: eBook-33312010
Pengarang : Curts, Raymond J.
Penerbit : CRC Press
Tahun : 2003

100 more library lifesavers : a survival guide for school library media specialists

No. Panggil: eBook-33302010
Pengarang : Bacon, Pamela S.
Penerbit : Libraries Unlimited
Tahun : 2003

5-star programming and services for your 55+ library customers

No. Panggil: eBook-33292010
Pengarang : Mates, Barbara T.
Penerbit : American Library Association
Tahun : 2003

The enduring library : technology, tradition, and the quest for balance

No. Panggil: eBook-33282010
Pengarang : Gorman, Michael
Penerbit : American Library Association
Tahun : 2003