Strategi Penanganan Firehose of Falsehood pada Era Post-Truth (Kajian dalam rangka Menyukseskan Pemilu 2019)

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Jurnal Ilmu Kepolisian
Tahun : 2019

Pemantapan Strategi Implementasi Teknologi Informasi dalam Pendidikan Kepolisian

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Jurnal Ilmu Kepolisian
Tahun : 2018

Terrorism as Socio Economic and Cultural Barriers to Indonesian Firms Financial Performance

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Tahun : 2023

The Role of the Police in the Management of Criminal Acts of Terrorism

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Social Science Journal
Tahun : 2023

Implementation of Y Model Work Strategy as a Policing Model for Transnational Organized Crime in Bali

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Technium Social Science Journal
Tahun : 2020

De-recidivism, not de-radicalisation: Understanding the cognitive process among de-radicalised Indonesian terrorist returnees

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Cogent Social Sciences
Tahun : 2022

Terrorism as Socio Economic and Cultural Barriers to Indonesian Firms Financial Performance

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Tahun : 2023

A Comparative Analysis of the Factors Predicting Fears of Terrorism and Cyberterrorism in a Developing Nation Context

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Tahun : 2022

A Legal Analysis Of Crime Victim Protection In Indonesia

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : Russian Law Journal
Tahun : 2023

A Rational Choice Analysis of ISIS Mujahid in Becoming Cyber-Jihadists

No. Panggil:
Pengarang : Petrus Reinhard Golose
Penerbit : International Journal of Cyber Criminology
Tahun : 2021