APA Format
Engelcke, Dörthe; Yassari, Nadjma;
. (2019). Child law in muslim jurisdictions: the role of the state in establishing filiation (nasab) and protecting parentless children
. : Cambridge - Crime
MLA Format
Engelcke, Dörthe; Yassari, Nadjma;
. Child law in muslim jurisdictions: the role of the state in establishing filiation (nasab) and protecting parentless children
. : Cambridge - Crime, 2019
Chicago Format
Engelcke, Dörthe; Yassari, Nadjma;
. Child law in muslim jurisdictions: the role of the state in establishing filiation (nasab) and protecting parentless children
. : Cambridge - Crime, 2019
Australian/Harvard Format
Engelcke, Dörthe; Yassari, Nadjma;
. 2019. Child law in muslim jurisdictions: the role of the state in establishing filiation (nasab) and protecting parentless children
. Cambridge - Crime