APA Format
Howell, Jude; Lind, Jeremy
. (2010). Civil society under strain: counter-terrorism policy, civil society, and aid post-9/11
. America : Kumarian Press
MLA Format
Howell, Jude; Lind, Jeremy
. Civil society under strain: counter-terrorism policy, civil society, and aid post-9/11
. America : Kumarian Press, 2010
Chicago Format
Howell, Jude; Lind, Jeremy
. Civil society under strain: counter-terrorism policy, civil society, and aid post-9/11
. America : Kumarian Press, 2010
Australian/Harvard Format
Howell, Jude; Lind, Jeremy
. 2010. Civil society under strain: counter-terrorism policy, civil society, and aid post-9/11
. Kumarian Press America