APA Format
Stoner, James A.F.;
Wankel, Charles
. (1978). Management
/ James A.F.. Stoner and Charles Wankel
. New York : Prenhtice Hall
MLA Format
Stoner, James A.F.;
Wankel, Charles
. Management
/ James A.F.. Stoner and Charles Wankel
. New York : Prenhtice Hall, 1978
Chicago Format
Stoner, James A.F.;
Wankel, Charles
. Management
/ James A.F.. Stoner and Charles Wankel
. New York : Prenhtice Hall, 1978
Australian/Harvard Format
Stoner, James A.F.;
Wankel, Charles
. 1978. Management
/ James A.F.. Stoner and Charles Wankel
. Prenhtice Hall New York