All marketing research books are designed to introduce students to the concepts and practices that make up the field of marketing research. Building on the success of our first edition of Marketing Research: Within a Changing Information Envrionment, this second edition goes well beyond that basic idea to show how marketing information research tools, skills, and understanding can be applied in solving marketing problems and creating business opportunities within a rapidly changing information environment. With the growing availability, acceptance, and use of (1) the Internet and its related advanced technologies and communication systems, (2) gatekeeper technologies such as caller ID, electronic answering devices, and voice messengers to protect people?s privacy, (3) continuous changing of internal organizational structures to improve the cross-functional sharing of information, and (4) the movement of both large and small businesses toward globalization of marketing practices, tomorrow?s information requirements will be more challenging than those of yesterday. Although the first edition was well received in the marketplace, it was the positive comments made by adopters of the book and reviewers (both adopters and nonadopters) as well as students which encouraged us to write this second edition. We sincerely believe that we have identified several critical learning needs that other marketing research textbooks are not addressing well or not addressing at all.