If your life sucks in any way: if the life you are living on the outside doesn?t match who you are on the inside: or if you are hurting and feel powerless?this book offers you a roadmap out of hell. You can either go on putting up with your pain and die a little bit more each day as you helplessly drift from your dreams and heart?s desires- or you can take the way out. Perhaps your whole life doesn?t suck. Maybe one aspect of it sucks. Maybe it?s your job, or your relationship, or your money, or you just don?t feel well. Or maybe things are good most of the time, and they suck some of the time. It doesn?t matter. When it sucks, it sucks. Do you want to just settle for a less-than life, or would you like to get it handled? ?Sucks? used to be a dirty word, but now we hear it everywhere. You can say it on television, in school, and read it in movie reviews. The word is brilliantly descriptive! When something sucks, it saps your energy and undermines the quality of your life. It makes you feel smaller and wish you hadn?t participated. It sabotages your joy and you walk away feeling crummy. When it comes to your life sucking, you can?t just walk away from it. You can?t just put your life aside and go on to something else that feels better. When your life sucks, that?s serious. It?s a big wake-up call. It?s an invitation to do something different. Not more of the same. If coins keep falling out of a hole in your pocket, the answer is not to go out and get a second job. The answer is to plug the hole.